Event Catalog

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ITC Lunchtime Series for Families

Weekly one-hour sessions covering the Invitation to Change Approach for families and loved ones of those struggling with substances.

11 Weeks


Prevention and Early Substance Use - Family Mondays (Parent & Family)

A 1-hour learning and support session, tailored to parents and families but open to all.

1 Hour


Next steps after Rehab/Treatment - Family Mondays (Parent & Family)

A 1-hour learning and support session, tailored to parents and families but open to all.

1 Hour


Next steps after rehab/treatment - Family Mondays (Spouse & Partner)

A 1-hour learning and support session, tailored to spouses and partners but open to all.

1 Hour


Finding Community - Family Mondays (Parent & Family)

A 1-hour learning and support session, tailored to parents and families but open to all.

1 Hour


Providing Love from Afar - Family Mondays (Parent & Family)

A 1-hour learning and support session, tailored to parents and families but open to all.

1 Hour
